What's Been Happening…
Stageworks Gear at the London Drum Show
An awesome weekend at the London Drum Show at Olympia where we officially launched the Rimma! The stand looked fantastic, we had Rimmas on a bass drum so drummers could check out the action as well as drum pedals and the Stageworks Mat for people to try out. Next time we're going to get a 'reaction cam', Luke's idea, to film people as they realise how brilliant the products are! Everyone loved the LImited Edition launch boxes too.
The show was a great success, plenty of people all day - officially the noisiest show we've ever been to - and some other fantastic new products on display such as the Bum Chum and PimpCo. They all loved the Rimma too. All our ad campaigns seem to be working well as so many people already recognise the Stageworks brand.
Well done to Oyster House for a great show and thanks to everyone who came to check us out. We'd love to have your feedback once you've had chance to try out the Rimma and the Stageworks mat, just visit our product pages and leave your feedback. Join the Stageworks Tribe on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter and share your pics and videos.
Plenty to do now to make sure we're ready for Christmas!
6th Sep 2010 by Kate